Every now and again we concentrate on a special feature for the site. These may be transcriptions of information that is not otherwise available on the internet and of particular interest to the history of Whitstable or its people, or information that is available but not in places that you might think to search.
When we convert original data to this format we try to be as accurate as possible to the written or printed spelling. Because many of the names we come across are those that we recognise from the town we believe these transcriptions to be the most accurate available. Often, though, writing can be totally illegible and in these cases we mark it as such so that you can decide if it fits the words you are looking for.
The Oyster and Dredgerman of Whitstable book, written by A.O. Collard and published in 1902 is one of the two books we regard a ‘bibles’ of early Whitstable. Over the ensuing years many booklets and pamphlets have been written on the same subject and invariably have taken their source from this book. Each author has put his own spin on his version and so it is important to be able to read the unexpurgated original which we have transcribed, along with the original pictures, to understand oysters and their effect on the town.
When we publish our Oystermen feature it will draw from this book as well as from the family history section, Oyster Fishery Company records and stories passed down through the generations.
The Dickens piece in All The Year Round gives us another insite into the lives of these families as well as showing why and how the Whitstable character was being formed.
The Blean Workhouse records of Whitstable born people remind us of how tough life was for those when things went wrong. They also bring into searchable access some of your descendants in a place where you might not have thought of.
This theme continues with the transcriptions of the Whitstable born people on vessels. The mariners of the town could have been anywhere around the seas of the world during a census. We have tracked down those that were within U.K. waters and listed them. At the same time, where information has been accessible, we have also given details of the boats they were onboard at the time, thereby providing additional information for those interested in maritime matters.
Future projects include the other Whitstable industries, Shipbuilding, The Mariners, The Divers and the Oysters themselves.
The features on the Railway and the Harbour are being aimed to be the most comprehensive publications of their kind, from the conceptions of the original ideas right through the years until the present day, including first hand experiences related by townspeople.
The Whitstable Memories section will grow as an assortment of memoirs from the town. This will be taken from our Message Board collections, first hand interviews and articles from the Whitstable Times over the years. Whilst these might not be the most accurate in terms of pure data collection they should become a fascinating insight to Whitstable and its people throughout the years. The intention in recording these memoirs is capture the essence of Whitstable for future generations to enjoy and understand as well as supply those tracing their family history with a fountain of knowledge.
The transcriptions so far.
Blean Workhouse. Not in Whitstable, not even in Blean but in Herne. This was the local workhouse for Whitstable. Transcriptions made so far for Whitstable born people:
1851 | 1871 – Coming soon. | 1881 | 1891 | 1901 |
Whitstable born people found on Vessels at Census times. Transcriptions made so far:
| 1871 – Coming soon. | 1881 | 1891 | 1901 |
Ships details from:
| 1891 |
The Happy Fishing Grounds article, possibly by Charles Dickens – 1859
The Oyster and Dredgerman of Whitstable book – 1902.